Presenting … Drum Roll, Please …


This week we’ve been persuading Zoe’s Auntie Hanne to do a guest post for us. So here it is … drum roll, please…

This week Bella [Zoe’s cousin’s pitbull dog, featured in this earlier post ] received the best gift of her life, even better than the guaranteed unbreakable toy that she destroyed in 12 minutes.

Sterling Archer, 8 weeks old.


Bella can’t stop smiling. No, really she can’t stop doing that pitbull ear-to-ear grin


For now the tiny tot spends most of his time sleeping, peeing, eating and pooping. Sometimes more than one of those at once.

When he is awake he is exploring the world and snuggling. This little guy vanquishes every foe (or toe), as you can see in this picture of him conquering my son’s foot.


After a little play time with Bella…

…it’s nap time.

Sterling: We can share, right?



Bumblebees only store a few days’ worth of honey because if they live in a cold climate then only the queen survives the winter, using her fat supplies. Therefore there is no need for quantities of food  to support a whole colony like with honeybees.


Thank you so much, Auntie Hanne!

21 thoughts on “Presenting … Drum Roll, Please …

  1. OH NO – Sterling is so cute! Yesterday he was over at out house. Our tabby Nym was introduced to him. She perched on a chair near by him and watched as he fumbled an attempt at walking. She watched him with cavalier apathy from above as if saying “He’s too much of an idiot for me to not look, what if he hurts himself from just standing there…” It was a sight to be seen, and Nym now knows she may retain the ‘smartest being in the house’ status. A status that was never in any real danger.


  2. I’m so glad you all get to meet the newest furry addition to my little family!! Right now he’s tiny but, by the time you get to meet him he’ll be HUGE! Or not, we’ll see. We are currently laying in bed and he is cheerily cuddling me, but battling my face or locking my ears every few minutes to ensure I stay awake. Little buttface!


  3. This is Kyle, Sterling’s dad, and I’m so glad you love my little rascle as much and I do! He’s a handful, but so worth it. We will make sure to send Sasha and Lola video clips of him when we start his leash and trick training next week!


  4. Sterling is TOO CUTE ! but does he like Butternut squash, sweet potato and avacado? If so… He can come live with us please?? (Pretty please!)


  5. We need an international Sterling day where we fly him to London for breakfast with Liza (avocado and sweet potato) then on to Israel where he gets cuddles from Effie, zoom NYC for a show with Alison, and on to R.I. where Samuel and Naama can teach him down dog and Kimberly can teach a puppy Zumba class if she’s here or else off to Puerto Rico for pineapple smoothies on her farm. Does the Concorde still run…

    You guys are the best Auntie Hanne


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