Tortie faces!

We’ve looked at the results of our survey. Thanks to all of you who voted! So far it looks like all of you who voted L-O-V-E LOVE your pets. We liked hearing from you cat owners, and we would love to hear from more of you. We would also like hearing from you dog, bird, fish and reptile owners. Well, the poll is still open, so spread the word. We’ll report more about the results in a later blog post. In the meantime you can see the results by clicking “view results” at the end of each question.


We know that some of you readers have problems telling us apart. So we thought we would help you a bit. Here is a picture of us: as you can see I have a half and half face, and I have a smudge on my nose.


You probobly think we look really weird, but for tortoiseshell cats we look pretty normal. Often tortoiseshell cats (also called torties) have a half and half face or a smudge on their nose or something in between. Check out these pictures of torties:



Almost all torties are female. Like us. Those rare male torties are sterile. Sorry guys.


I didn’t know that Zoe could do that! 

5 thoughts on “Tortie faces!

  1. Hi Sasha and Lola! I have a question. What is the difference between Calico Cats and Torties? I see that some of the cats in your photos have white on them too – we always called those black, orange and white cats “calicos.” I know they are also almost always females. Are they two different words for the same thing? Thanks!


    • That is a good question Jen. We have the answer for you. Calico cats are torties with significant areas of white. An interesting rule of thumb is that the larger the white areas, the fewer and larger are the patches of other colors. In black-based torties the patches of other colors are usually small and sometimes salt and peppery. In English speaking countries outside North America, calicoes are commonly called tortoiseshell-and-white. So there is your answer. And thanks for reading my blog!


  2. Our first cat on Hydra Johnny was a calico as Sasha and Lola well know.She was the goddess of Calicos possessing all the attributes of the archetypal wild cat of Rudyard Kipllng stories. No kitty pet was she.
    As so correctly identifying who is Lola and who is Sasha, if pressed I can, but honestly half the time i call Olivia Helle. If pressed I can tell them apart as well. But only if pressed. Helle has yellow hair and Olivia has red.


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