Our kooky personalities!


We thought you readers would be interested to know a bit more about our personalities.

Here are two videos:

This one shows me being my typical zany self! I am giving myself a cleaning in the sunny patch of  the living room, but my tail keeps being naughty and distracting me from cleaning myself. Then I have a little chat with Zoe and her mom, and after that Zoe and I have a little cozy time. (I love lying on Zoe’s stomach and snuggling up to her.)

And this one is of me helping Zoe brush her hair. As you can see Sasha is not even a bit interested in this lovely game. I do not know what is wrong with her. I peronally can’t get enough of Zoe’s hairy hair, which is almost as silky as my hair. – I said ALMOST! ! !


Did you know that there is a fish that is called a blobfish?!?

Wow! Epic!


This week we decided to let the video pick be the videos above.

6 thoughts on “Our kooky personalities!

  1. I love the video of Lola pouncing on Zoe’s hair. Way too cute my friend. You are both such spunky cats. Moxie to the max.


  2. Sasha, you look sosososo cozy in that patch of sunlight!
    Sometimes I go into a window and just lie in the sunlight for hours and hours!


  3. I didn’t know that was the kind of hairbrush you wanted, Zoe! It’s a good one, but takes too long in the morning?? And I can see that Sacha loves your rug…..very much!!


  4. Well, I think a living hairbrush is the best hairbrush! And best of all: they do all the work!
    I am training Lola to cut mt toenails!
    When you come for a visit you can borrow my live hairbrush!


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